Remote Working Tips During Lockdown

Category Principal's Message

COVID-19 has launched millions of people into the world's largest work-from-home experiment. Working from home isn't just a new environment, it's a completely different way of operating.


Here are our best work-from-home tips: 


1. Stick to a Non-Negotiable Work Schedule

Plan your work hours with a clear start and end time. 


2. Don't Be Afraid to Say No 

The tricky part about working remotely is that people can't see you being busy. So, it's up to you to let them know when you are.


3. Create a Dedicated Workspace 

Designate a specific area in your home to be your workspace. Ideally a quiet space where you can get productive work done.


4. Don't Work in Your Pajamas

Dress as if you're going to work - because you are. Set yourself up for success in the morning, the rest of your day will be productive. 


5. Don't Forget To Take A Break!

When you work from home, it can be common to forget about breaks. You might take five minutes here and there to drink a coffee, but proper breaks go out the window.

If you don't give yourself the break time you need: your brain will take one for you. Worse still, the quality of your work will start to suffer.


6. Communicate Effectively

Effective communication is crucial as all of your colleagues are feeling the exact same way you are. They're trying to get on task, manage their schedule, avoid distractions and make-do until this all blows over.

This means you should be specific about why you're reaching out.

Author: Prime Property Marketing

Submitted 08 Apr 20 / Views 1899

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